Saturday, April 29, 2006

tulip garden

this is washington dc's tulip garden near the waterfront in potomac river.

here is another tulip garden at the side of smithsonian castle.... as you walk around the city, you'll find more tulips....

Monday, April 24, 2006

remember our veterans

this memorial was opened on memorial day of 2004. dedicated to all soldiers who died in world war II, specially the allied soldiers.

each post/pillar represents one allied country who fought during the war, each state of america is also represented by the same post/pillar.

this wall is where you can find the gold stars. each star represents 100 american soldiers who died in WWII, and there are about 4, 000 stars here.

this one is for us! the war in the philippines was also destructive and devastating. many filipino and american soldiers died defending our country against the japanese.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

views of washington monument

This is Washington monuement by day. At the base of the monument, there are american flags surrounding it, representing each state of america.

If you arrive here early morning, say 7am, you can ask for a free ticket for you to be able to go inside the monument. Tickets are limited so be there early... I took this picture lying down on the ground, most of the tourists are doing it anyway so why not join them, nyahahahah!!!!

This shot was taken across Potomac river as we're heading to jefferson memorial. going in and around DC requires a lot of money(for parking fee, specially on weekdays) or lot of stamina if you want to just walk your way to every monument/memorial. feels like i've been to a major climb after we finish walking around dc area, heheheh!!!

This photo was taken at the end of the reflecting pool (at the base of lincoln memorial)...

watch out for more photos from other monument/memorial...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Washington DC at night

Last weekend we headed to Washington, DC. This is my fourth time here, my first three visits here was winter, spring and summer of 2001. The only reason I join the trip this time is to visit the newly built WWII Memorial.

Here are some of the pictures I took from this trip...

Washington Monument

World War II Memorial

WWII Memorial is dedicated to all the veterans (allied soldiers) of WWII from all countries. All allied countries that fought in that war and all the states of the US is being represented by one pillar/post each. And the two big tower on both ends represents the Atlantic and Pacific front of the war.

Lincoln Memorial

Above picture was taken from Washington Monument. The first set of lights is the WWII Memorial, followed by the reflecting pool and at the end is the Lincoln Memorial.

US Capitol House

Day visit here is also good but a little crowded specially on weekends. That's why I post these night pictures so as to have lesser people on the background, heheheheh....

Watch out for more pics....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Welcome to New England Area

War Veteran Memorial
This tower can be found in the highest point of Masachusetts, Mt. Greylock. You can hike this mountain or drive your car all the way through here.
Welcome to New England Area, I'll try to post more pictures as they become available. I'm still waiting for my new toy (camera), that's why I'll be posting some pics from my last visit here, heheheh....

Monday, April 03, 2006

those were the days...

As I was looking for another picture/s to post here in my blog, I found these two from my trip to the US way back in 2001. Pictures were taken in Basin at Franconia Notch State Park in New Hampshire.

Pemigewasset River

Although it was already spring time (April 2001) during the time this photos were taken, snow is still abundant in this region, but it was slowly beginning to melt.

How we wish we could have use the snow to make "halu-halo" when we were there, heheheh!!! One thing for sure though, you can definitely use the snow outside your house to have an ice cold drink, specially a can or two of Budweiser Light while playing network games or watching DVD, nyahahah!!! Those were the days.....

I hope I can see snow again... soon... :D